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We are committed to ensuring that AbbVie’s websites are accessible to all users, including those who use assistive technology such as screen readers.

Our websites are updated on a regular basis and our efforts to ensure accessibility and improve the user experience are ongoing. If you are having difficulty accessing any portion of our websites or would like to provide us with feedback about the usability of our websites, please contact us using one of the contact methods below. We will consider your feedback as we evaluate ways to improve the user experience and to accommodate, and effectively communicate with, all of our website visitors.

We are committed to ensuring that AbbVie’s websites are accessible to all users, including those who use assistive technology such as screen readers. Our websites are updated on a regular basis and our efforts to ensure accessibility and improve the user experience are ongoing. If you are having difficulty accessing any portion of our websites or would like to provide us with feedback about the usability of our websites, please contact us using one of the contact methods below. We will consider your feedback as we evaluate ways to improve the user experience and to accommodate, and effectively communicate with, all of our website visitors.

We are committed to ensuring that AbbVie’s websites are accessible to all users, including those who use assistive technology such as screen readers.

Our websites are updated on a regular basis and our efforts to ensure accessibility and improve the user experience are ongoing. If you are having difficulty accessing any portion of our websites or would like to provide us with feedback about the usability of our websites, please contact us using one of the contact methods below. We will consider your feedback as we evaluate ways to improve the user experience and to accommodate, and effectively communicate with, all of our website visitors. We are committed to ensuring that AbbVie’s websites are accessible to all users, including those who use assistive technology such as screen readers. Our websites are updated on a regular basis and our efforts to ensure accessibility and improve the user experience are ongoing.

If you are having difficulty accessing any portion of our websites or would like to provide us with feedback about the usability of our websites, please contact us using one of the contact methods below. We will consider your feedback as we evaluate ways to improve the user experience and to accommodate, and effectively communicate with, all of our website visitors. We are committed to ensuring that AbbVie’s websites are accessible to all users, including those who use assistive technology such as screen readers. Our websites are updated on a regular basis and our efforts to ensure accessibility and improve the user experience are ongoing. If you are having difficulty accessing any portion of our websites or would like to provide us with feedback about the usability of our websites, please contact us using one of the contact methods below. We will consider your feedback as we evaluate ways to improve the user experience and to accommodate, and effectively communicate with, all of our website visitors.

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